OFSTED July 2023 - We are a GOOD School!


Welcome to Doves Class!
Doves Class is home to Year 1 & Year 2 pupils. Miss Wakefield is the Class Teacher and Mrs Hay, Miss Hounsell and Mrs Barnes (Wednesday and Thursday pm) are the Teaching Assistants. 
Spellings - Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and children will be tested the following Monday.
Reading Books - Your child will be given four books each week - RWI book bag book, RWI phonics book they have studied in class and two reading for pleasure books (including one chosen from the library). Reading for Pleasure book change is every Monday, as this is our library day. Please ensure your child brings all of their books to school each day, along with their reading record. For those who have completed the RWI scheme, an AR book will be sent home instead of phonics books. You need to read your AR book three times and then let an adult know when you are ready to quiz.
Times tables - Times tables will be taught at school, but children are encouraged to log on to their TT Rockstars accounts at home, in order to continue to learning. Year 1 will focus on x2 and x10. Year 2 will focus on x2, x3, x5 and x10.
Counting - Oral counting, chanting and testing of number bonds works best, so the children have rapid recall of these facts which greatly improves their ability to access mathematics across the curriculum.

Tips for reading at home:

* Read for 10 minutes each night with your child.

* Discuss the illustrations on the cover/ pages. What do they think is happening?

* Predict what may happen in the story/ on the next page.

* Talk about who the characters in the story are, and where it is set.

* Ask your child how they think a character is feeling at various points in the story.

* Recap what happened in the book; can your child sequence the events? 

* Discuss whether your child enjoyed the story or not, and why.

* Be guided by your child’s interests- read quality texts from home/ the library as well as school books.

* Become an explorer- read fact, fiction, rhymes, poems, picture books.

* Most important, read to your child; it really does make the world of difference. 

Designated PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Please make sure children have their named PE kit in school all week – this should be a white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings, with tracksuit bottoms in cooler weather and trainers.

Football strips and multi-coloured t-shirts and shorts are not allowed, thank you.

A labelled water bottle is also essential.
RWI Phonics Scheme
Please click on the links below for guidance and support of our RWI phonics scheme.
AR Quizzes
Use this link to access the quiz when your child has finished an AR book. Your child's login details are on the inside of their reading record.
TT Rockstars
Please use the link below to access TT Rockstars. You will find your child's login details inside their reading record.
Use the link below to access PurpleMash. You will find your child's login details inside their reading record.